Dev Diary #14: Every Single Playable Faction Coming To Age of Legends (PART ONE)
The start of a comprehensive overview of what the finished mod will look like, and a warm welcome to our 300th Essential Guide subscriber! 🎉
Readers really seemed to enjoy the longer term perspective on the mod in the recent article I wrote on Imperial leadership mechanics. And as v.134 development is currently grinding on behind the scenes and focusing on a load of crucial but non-visual changes… I thought I’d jump ahead and give you another glimpse of what the FINAL mod will look like.
This is only slightly subject to change as development progresses in future years, but as of right now, I am reasonably confident in giving you the following playable faction roster, with detail about a) who they are, b) their current development status, c) what kind of flavour each faction has.
The finished mod will be so massive that this is the first of FOUR(!) articles on this subject, to make sure I can give you as much detail as possible.
Major Powers
New Republic
[In-game.] The former Rebels need no introduction. But you can find out more in the post below from September, about the upcoming total overhaul coming for the New Republic in v1.34.
Galactic Empire
[In-game.] Currently split between multiple Imperial factions, in the final v2.0 release the Empire will have a single faction slot, with a wide range of leadership choices and diverging tech trees depending on in-game events and the player’s decisions. Within this one faction many very different Empires and regimes are possible; maybe you’ll have Desann’s Reborn fighting the Vong in 29 ABY. Find out more below:
Galactic Alliance
[Re-worked for v1.34.] The Alliance will be getting its own playable faction slot in the next release, no longer being merely a final tech era for the defunct New Republic. They will also be getting a lot of new build options now that the build bar had been expanded. More on this in a future post. Now for the really new stuff…
Minor Powers
Kuati Ruling Families
[Currently non-playable.] Kuat will be a playable and an emergent faction, with the player able to grant the world independence on the galactic map. They will have their own distinctive roster, rather than just being another Imperial-style faction. Plus a lot of goodies for Clone War fans available from their Rothana subsidiary/subfaction.
Corporate Sector Authority
[In-game.] There is great variety available for the CSA, tucked away in the galactic north they can field ex-Separatist gear and legions of white B1 Battle Droids, rely on the units of their other corporate sponsors like the Bulwark, or their own distinctive tech: be it the ESPOs police troopers on ground or their Invincible-class capital ships in space.
Outer Rim Alliance
[Subfaction in current build.] This ragtag fleet of refugees, New Republic officers and Imperials is determined to do what Coruscant won’t and properly fight the Vong. Determined to defend the Outer Rim but forced to stay on the run, they will have a totally unique ‘stateless’ playstyle unlike any EAW faction in any mod.
Bakuran Republic
[Subfaction in current build.] The specialists in fighting the Ssi-ruuvi, the Bakurans will be a tech-focused faction who field a modest fleet of small, highly advanced, highly specialised designs in defence of their imperilled homeworld.
Mandalorian Clans
[In-game.] With little starting territory in this era, the Mandalorians must focus on land raids using their elite infantry to seize new territory. I’m looking forward to future work on a ‘New Mandalorian Empire’ infinities Galactic Conquest scenario, which will pit a powerful Mandalorian territory against the New Republic, KOTOR-style.