Dev Diary #11: The New Republic's FULL Space Roster!
Behold, the COMPLETELY rebuilt New Republic, with dozens of brand new units, a full tech research and era progression system, and much more...
I’ve posted a lot in recent Dev Diaries about the amazing possibilities now that Age Of Legends features a unit filter system and an expanded build bar. This means the variety of possible buildable units is virtually uncapped, with massive implications for major, multi-species factions like the New Republic.
Now it’s time to present the results of months of work, and show you - in full and glorious detail - what the rebuilt and massively expanded New Republic roster looks like with these limits removed.
But this article is far more than just a list of units, it’s a guide to a whole new way of researching, building, upgrading and playing. So, prepare yourself… for the Republic’s brand new space line-up…
The New Republic Space Roster:
Era 1 (4-9 ABY):
VenteX Construction Yard* starting units: T-65 X-wing, BTLS3 Y-wing, B-wing, RZ1 A-wing, [Research] R60 T-wing, X4 Gunship, Gamma ATR-6 Assault Transport, Delta DX-9 Storm Assault Transport
* This is the new special structure required to build fighters, bombers, assault transports and light freighters.
Level I-IV Shipyards starting units: GR75, Xiytiar Fleet Tender, Action VI, CR90, DP20, Mobquet [proximity minelayer], Marauder, Nebulon-B, Nebulon-B2, MC40B, Neutron Star, Dreadnaught*, Modified Strike Cruiser [interdictor], MC80 Naritus, MC80A, MC80 Liberty, MC80 [wingless], MC80 Justice, MC80 Independence.
* Each individual Dreadnaught can be upgraded: Dreadnaught -> Assault Frigate MK I -> Assault Frigate MK I B2 -> Assault Frigate MK II.
Star Destroyer Shipyard: Immobiliser-418, Victory I, Victory II, Procursator, Imperial I, Imperial II, Bellator [1 only].
Star Dreadnaught Research: MC85.
Fleet Standardisation Research: Belarus, Quasar, Harrier → Corona → MC80B → Republic SD → Unlocks Era 2.
NB. Thanks to expanded build bar and filters, and the removal of in-game limits, most units persist into the next era; unless they have an obvious and direct replacement, like the XJ X-wing for the XJ2: in those cases the older design is not buildable. So I’ve only listed new units in the next eras…
Era 2 (10-16 ABY):
VenteX Construction Yard: [Research] T-65 AC4 X-wing, [Research] E-7 E-wing, [Research] RSD Defender.
Star Destroyer Shipyard: Imperial-I [advanced load-out], Imperial-II [advanced load-out], Imperial-I [Emancipator-subtype].
Star Dreadnaught Research: Pelagia, MC104.
Fleet Standardisation Research: research tree (a) E-7 E-wing → MC90, research tree (b) RSD Defender → Proficient-class Heavy Cruiser → Defender-class Star Destroyer → Unlocks Era 3.
Era 3 (16-25 ABY):
VenteX Construction Yard starting units: K-wing.
Level I-IV Shipyards starting units: Ferret, Sacheen, Hajen, Majestic, Nebula, Endurance, MC90 [5th Fleet fighter loadout].
Star Destroyer Shipyard: Imperial-I [5th Fleet load-out], Imperial-II [5th Fleet load-out].
Star Dreadnaught Research: Mediator, Viscount → Unlocks Era 4.
Era 4 (25-26 ABY):
VenteX Construction Yard starting units: XJ1 X-wing.
Level I-IV Shipyards starting units: Ranger, Immobiliser-418A.
Anti-Vong Tech Research: XJ2 X-wing, KDY Republic, Strident → Unlocks Era 5.