Development Diary #4: Caedus' Aerial Units, Mercenary Armies and the CRIME LORDS
I’m keeping it short and sweet this time, with two themes to today’s update: 1) Aerial Units in Rise of Caedus, 2) Mercenary Infantry and the CRIME LORDS.
Welcome to new and returning subscribers! In Development Dairy #3 I gave a full roster for the aerial units of every faction in Age Of Legends. Now I want to do the same for Rise Of Caedus!
Rise Of Caedus: Aerial Unit Rosters
Each faction will have airspeeders; fighters; bombers; gunships; transports in their atmospheric/aerial unit roster. These rosters may be tweaked or added to a bit before release, but as of now here is the line-up for each faction:
Galactic Alliance: V-wing; XJ X-wing; Skipray 24r Blastboat; LAAV; HTT-26
Galactic Empire: Deathhawk Combat Airspeeder; TIE Interceptor (shielded); Scimitar; Nemesis; IDT
Jedi Coalition: Haran; Mityil, Owool; B-wing Aurora; Auzituck Gunship; HTT-26
Confederation: Storm IV, Tachyon, Orbitblade-2000; HLAF-500, A10, M3A Syck, Planetary Fighter; Shriek; LAATi, HTT-26
(See Dev Diary #3 for ROC factions that are also playable in Age of Legends, like the Mandalorians, Maw Irregular Fleet or Hutts.)
Mercenary Infantry
The current development focus is an overhaul of ALL infantry units, including the introduction of a great many new infantry units. Mercenary and pirate infantry types are fairly common in the mod: from Zsinj’s hired muscle, to the Hutt’s basic infantry types and the Peace Brigade’s treacherous cannon-fodder.
But they are now going to become much more varied with multiple sub-types and in-unit variety. Thanks to generous free release policies from several other mods, I will be able to add many new species types, from Trandoshans to Ishi Tibs, Tusken Raider Marksmen to Falleen.
This expansion in mercenary infantry is especially important because the release after this one is slated to focus on the criminal underworld.
This will include new factions like the long-awaited Black Sun, (including more options for their takeover of the Crimson Empire) and the entirely unique splitting of the Hutt Cartel into three playable factions: the Hutt Cartel itself in a revised form, now with two crime families vying with each other for control; the Besadii Kajidic, and the Desilijic Kajidic.
There will also be additional non-playable, minor Hutt factions present on the galactic map and/or as hostile raiding fleets via the Dynamic Galaxy: Chance Encounters mechanic.
All of these new crime factions will need hired muscle, grunts and mercs. So by expanding the range of Mercenary infantry types available now, future development of these crime factions will be much easier later.
A Personal Note
As Discord members will know, I’ve just moved house (hence fewer posts than normal). But now that is done I am looking forward to getting back into the usual intensive development cycle, with many updates and more pictures and video next time.
My best wishes,