Dev Diary #9: Alderaan Strikes Back, Mon Calamari Light Warships, Mag Pulse Warfare
... and more!
The MC30 is enjoying its time in the sun after its prominent appearance in Ahsoka (or at least the appearance of its Disney Canon doppleganger).
The MC30 in the mod is getting a major model upgrade, and its armament is being beefed-up with additional torpedoes and ion pulse weapons to bring down enemy shields. With its ‘Power to Engines’ ability it is now an excellent raiding craft able to bombard heavier targets and escape before the enemy has time to react.
And that’s just the start for the expanded Mon Calamari line-up.

Much of my time in the last week has been devoted to packing out the roster of the Mon Calamari, who will become their own playable faction one day.
In the New Republic era their roster currently skews heavily towards the MC80 line, the advanced MC80B and MC90, and then the behemoths: the MC104, Mediator and Viscount. But we know that the Mon Cals contributed a range of smaller craft to the Rebel Alliance and its successor states. This is now being reflected with the addition of the MC20 screening frigate. This will be indispensable in Mon Cal fleets thanks to its Point Defence ability and AAA lasers.
In addition, the Mon Cals are getting a carrier variant of the MC40 and reworks of their existing line-up, including Vong War era retrofits of the old MC80 line as the New Republic scrounges around for usable hull types. These will be rebuilt specifically to fight the Vong, with each of the MC80 variants repurposed for a new, dedicated role.
Defenders Of New Alderaan
One of the missions of the mod is to faithfully recreate the New Republic and ALL of its member states. One of the smallest of these is the Alderaanian Council which represents the refugees of Alderaan who settled on the world later known as New Alderaan.
In the next release they will have their own - fairly modest - forces to defend their new homeworld and to contribute to the wider New Republic Defence Forces. Initially these will consist of Modified CR70 corvettes, and Thranta warships (both pictured above). I’ve had some excellent suggestions for other units they might use on Discord, and I’m now considering whether they should be added to the future Worlds Of The New Republic expansion which will include major member states like Rendili, Corellia, Sullust, Bakura and so on as independently playable factions.
The next piece of news is a revolutionary new weapon…