Dev Diary #27: Mid-tier Imperial units, flavour, and fleet composition!
Build the perfect Imperial taskforce for you. The next release will be packed with Imperial roster fun!
Last time I updated you on the Star Destroyer customisation options coming for the Galactic Empire in v1.34. Today I want to look at the Empire’s hugely expanded mid-tier roster, and how their frigates, carriers and support ships can be used to build a virtually unlimited range of Imperial task forces.
There will be something to suit all play styles and preferences, and something for every fleet composition and doctrine!

Unlike Disney canon where the Empire only seems to consist of ISDs, Arquitens and Gozantis, in Legends lore we see Imperials using Neutron Stars, Dreadnaughts, CR90s, Carracks, Lancers, Vigils, IPVs, Bayonets, Nebulon-Bs and B2s, Star Galleons, Ton-Falks and loads more.
That’s all coming to Age of Legends! 🎉
A lot of units in the Tier II starbase for the Empire are being totally reworked, with new roles that make them both more distinct and more closely aligned with their roles in Expanded Universe lore. Paid subscribers can find more about that here in a post from last month.
Today I really want to show the effect of these changes in action. Gone are the days of Lancer + Carrack + Dreadnaught + ISD being the only real taskforce composition. These changes means you can build completely different fleets, with completely different flavours. Unlike the (pretty lazy) Disney approach to Imperial fleet composition, no two Imperial fleets need to look the same.
And this is just talking about the mid-tier units! Never mind the fighters, bombers, assault transports or Super Star Destroyer options…
The Corellian system now provides unique contributions to the Imperial roster. So with the shipyards of Corellia, Talus, Tralus and so, you could field a fleet that looked like this…
… with CR90s, modified CR90s, DP20 gunboats and heavy frigates and cruisers escorting your flagship.
Or maybe you’re a Clone Wars fan, and you want to build up fleets supported by Republic-era tech. Well, you can do that too…
Or maybe you grew up in the 80s or 90s, and you like the Rogue Squadron novels, the roleplaying source books and the X-wing Alliance games.
Age of Legends is heavily inspired by X-wing Alliance, and the XWA and TIE Fighter remakes after all, and in those games and their fan remasters we see the Empire field a hugely diverse roster.
Well, you can fill your boots with Bayonet cruisers, IPVs, and ships of that particular flavour as well…