Dev Diary #22: A BONUS Playable Faction, Coming Soon!
An originally unplanned, brand new bonus faction coming in v1.34 for the Vong War era! Get the full lowdown!
In response to popular demand and an overwhelming vote over on Discord, Age Of Legends will be getting an entirely new, playable faction as soon as the v1.34 release!
Read on for a full faction breakdown of the Ylesian Republic, the murky alliance of rogue Corellian, Kuati, ex-New Republic personnel and others who fought for the Yuuzhan Vong and forged their own breakaway successor state to the New Republic after the fall of Coruscant.
This article includes a FULL unit breakdown of their unique space and land rosters, an overview of their heroes, and a look at the Galactic Conquests they will appear in: including a sneak preview of one, brand new GC I’m designing just for them.