Dev Diary #17: Age Of Legends LEGACY [All Playable Factions PART FOUR]
A new era, a new Empire, and a new Imperial Civil War. Welcome to Age of Legends: Legacy.
As Age of Legends progresses to v2.0 my focus is on fully fleshing-out and expanding the 4-41 ABY era, with the huge number of factions you’ve seen in the first three posts of this series, and with new systems, mechanics, and improvements.
But what happens next? Well, after v2.0, I want to start advancing through the timeline, from the aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War, through the Lost Century between 44 ABY and the rise of Darth Krayt, and then to the end of the Second Imperial Civil War in the 140s ABY.
The Rise Of Caedus expansion pack will ultimately be rebranded as ‘Age Of Legends: Legacy’, covering the period of 30 ABY to the end of the 140s ABY and become a standalone mod.
Major Powers
Second Galactic Empire [GCW II/Legacy era]
The Empire in this era emerges substantially enlarged by both the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Second Galactic Civil War. It is, once again, a great power on the galactic stage. At the start of the period there is a small-scale civil war with Admiral Daala attempting to become Imperial Head of State, with Vitor Reige and Jagged Fel as the other options. After that, in this century in lore the Empire is under the rule of the benevolent Fel Dynasty, a powerful constitutional monarchy which contends with the Moff Council. Various Imperial leadership options will be present, as explored briefly here.
The Imperial Navy advances from its fleet of Turbulent-class Star Destroyers at the beginning of the era, to the iconic Ardent- and Pellaeon-class ships, a gradual advancement during a largely peaceful period, albeit one marked by the scars of decades of war and immense wariness.
The Army incorporates the Stormtrooper Corps during this time, while the elite infantry options available to the Remnant continue, now augmented by the Imperial Knights, the Emperor’s personal bodyguards.
By the end of the era the Sith have emerged from hiding on Korriban and offered an alliance. Pursuing this story arc unlocks an array of Sith heroes and units, and sets up the usurpation of Emperor Roan Fel by Darth Krayt. This triggers the emergence of the Empire-in-Exile on the campaign map.
Galactic Alliance [GCW II/Legacy era]
The GA begin the period as the dominant galactic power, but face powerful opposition from the Confederation, the Jedi Coalition, and the Galactic Empire. By the canonical end of the period they have been removed from power in Coruscant and the political order built by Cal Omas in the darkest days of the Vong War overturned.
Once Darth Krayt has taken power on Coruscant and the Sith-Imperial War has come to an end, renegade Admiral Gar Stazi launches his own breakaway faction, the Galactic Alliance Remnant.
Secession Movements
Galactic Alliance Remnant [Legacy Era]
A stateless faction, the Galactic Alliance Remnant will survive by meeting-up with isolated fleet elements loyal to Admiral Gar Stazi, and by capturing Imperial capital ships. The most powerful of these being the Admiral’s replacement flagship, the Imperious.
This will be a wholly unique playing experience; you will have no planetary bases - and if you establish any you will find them rapidly besieged by far superior Imperial forces - and will be constantly on the run.
As the war progresses the GAR can forge an alliance with Fel’s Empire-in-Exile.
Empire-in-Exile [Legacy Era]
The Fel Empire begins as a stateless unit stack fleeing Coruscant and trying to survive. Early gameplay will be characterised by raids, fleeing up and down hyperlanes to escape the forces of Darth Krayt. If the last of the Fel Dynasty are killed you lose the game; Emperor Roan Fel and his heir, his daughter Marasiah.
The objective for the Empire-in-Exile is to find a secure base and become a conventional faction. The best prospect is to take Bastion and the New Territories, and fortify those holdings.
Then you can expand the war out to the rest of the Galaxy. In some scenarios this will become a multi-party war with the Galactic Alliance Remnant, the Krayt Empire (Second Galactic Empire) and other minor factions too. A range of scenario types will be available.