Dev Diary #16: The Crime Lords! (All Playable Factions, PART THREE)
FIVE playable Hutt factions, the remnants of Black Sun, the pirates with their own Star Destroyer, and a new universe of crime...
This week our thoughts turn to crime! Currently slated for v1.35 (the release after next), the CRIME LORDS update will add a whole new dimension to the mod.
Criminal Underworld: The Hutt Factions
The Hutt Cartel is being heavily reworked for v1.35, and will cease to represent all Hutt territory, which will be broken up into about 15 factions, each representing a different Kajidic, or crime family. The largest and most significant of these will be playable, with five playable Kajidics, and at least ten non-playable ones.
Each playable Hutt faction will have the chance to become the Hutt Cartel by taking control of the Hutt throneworld, and then to expand from there and become a major, restored Hutt Empire. Let’s take a look at the Hutts!

Hutt Cartel
[In-game, but due to be reworked.] The Cartel is the official governing body of Hutt Space. It will control Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa and a few key Hutt worlds in most scenarios.
Their Era 1 roster is based on mercenaries and various hired scum, rather than a dedicated military.
But they can progress to unlock their own distinctive space roster in Era 2, and commence War Mobilisation to access Era 3 and gain their most powerful battleships in time to face the dangerous threats of the time period, be it the canonical Yuuzhan Vong, and Second Galactic Civil War, or else a restored Dark Empire looking to complete its conquest of the Galaxy, or a map overrun by Ssi-ruuvi and Yevethans.
The Hutt Cartel’s Eras 2 and 3 are shared with the Kajidics below: if one of them is able to out-compete their rivals, take control of Nal Hutta and become the dominant, legitimate Hutt faction, they get access to the Cartel’s most powerful stuff and become the legitimate government of Hutt Space.
Besadii Kajidic
[Coming in v1.35.] The clan of Durga the Hutt, the Besadii’s throneworld is Kor Besadii, and they also control a big swathe of territory: Ylesia, Socorro, Ryloth, C-Foroon, Hoth and Taurill.
Their Era 1 roster leans on salvaged tech and Imperial defectors, a theme which culminates in the development of the Darksaber superweapon (currently accessible in the mod via the Hutts). Durga has some links to Black Sun, giving another pool of units. As with all Kajidics, if they take Nal Hutta they can gain control of the Hutt Council and unlock the official Hutt Cartel roster for Era 2 and 3. As with all Hutt factions, if they become the official Hutt faction, there is a danger that they are deposed by their rivals, leading to a civil war within the Hutt Cartel.
Desilijic Kajidic
[Coming in v1.35.] Once the most powerful Hutt crime family, since the death of Jabba the Desilijic have been thrown into chaos. Their throneworld is Kor Desilijic, with other holdings, period dependent, on Tatooine, Kessel, Teth, Ando and Bespin. Their power is based on Tatooine-themed enforcers and hired goons, and most of the Tatooine-derived assets currently available for the Hutts will be moved to the Desilijic. (Again, capturing Nal Hutta enables the Desilijic to become the official Hutt Cartel… I’ll stop repeating that now, as it’s true of all playable Kajidics factions, you get the idea.)
Bib Fortuna makes an early attempt to seize control of the Desilijic’s holdings, and in turn Jabba’s father, Zorba, will come to dominate the remnants of the shattered crime family.
Qunaalac Kajidic
[Coming in v1.35.] The Qunaalac are the most overtly militaristic of all Hutt factions, with the most conventional military forces. Their traditional role is as the guardians of the Garden of the Hutts, the sacred purse worlds of Hutt Space. Kor Qunaalac is their homeworld, with other territory comprising Sleheyron, Mulatan, Gos Hutta, Sakiya, Langoona, Kor Hunamma and Nar Chunna.
They lack the raid infantry and ground forces that the other Kajidics have, but they have extensive contracts with Corellian shipyards, offering a powerful conventional space force from corvettes to battlecruisers, packed out with Rendili Dreadnaughts for good measure. They will be a good starting faction for playing as the Hutts for the first time, as they do not rely on asymmetric warfare, raiding and mercenaries.
Once they capture Nal Hutta and proceed to Era 2 or 3, they too can become a major power, with a big roster of powerful space and land forces, but with a double whammy of the powerful later era Hutt units, AND the Qunaalac’s own strong forces.
And now on to the Anjiliac Kajidic, Black Sun, Peace Brigade and the Invids - a pirate gang with their own Star Destroyer…
Anjiliac Kajidic
[Coming in v1.35.] A unique roster drawn from corrupt elements of the Corporate Sector Authority, backed up with some Quarren assets and salvaged Separatist tech.